Friday, December 24, 2010

Equine Angels; Ray of Light Farm

Equine Angel ~Petie
Equine Angel Rescue Sanctuary & Ray of Light Farm

The horse is a holy creature
sent to this earth to remind us of the Divine
He is uniquely connected to us.
He is our benevolent companion
and our guide
to the beingness we have forgotten.

His four strong legs carry us when we are weak
from the burdens of life.
His beauty inspires us
when our eyes are weary from crying.
His spirit uplifts us when our hearts lie dormant.

Let us not forget. Let us not abandon him
or any of his kind.
Let us not relegate him to a beast of burden
but acknowledge his unselfish gifts.

Let us always care for him
as long as his legs touch the earth and beyond.

He is our reminder of what grace is
He is our return to grace.

Only by awakening to the true awareness of the horse
can we ever expect to understand him.
He speaks to us in the language of the heart, not the mind.
His true self is only given to those who seek to comprehend.

Only those who ask
rather than demand
will receive his undying loyalty and generosity of spirit.

to the message of the horse . . .

by Kim Royal

Thursday, December 23, 2010

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! ~Author Unknown

It is time to look back at the year and reflect and honor our journey. It is also time to look forward with excitement to the new year and see where our journey takes us for "The soul rides on the feathers of the wind" `Meister Eckhart

Horses, for me, represent a bridge to nature and all creation. They are nature in all her glory here on earth while they also invite us to journey and connect with our intuitive higher selves.

Is there any where in your life that you may feel stuck? Like the windhorse, horses have the ability to lend us the wings we need to soar and take flight with the wind while allowing us to overcome the obstacles we may be facing.

May joy and well being be yours this holiday season.

XOXO Susan

Monday, November 22, 2010

Depths Of A Dream

A strange stillness dwells in the eye of the horse, a composure that appears to regard the world from a measured distance.... it is a gaze from the depths of a dream.
~Hans Heinrich Isenbart

This is one of my latest creations and is an Andalusian stallion called TemerarioVII. His guardian is Kris Garrett of Grand Prix Andalusions and he is 29 years young!

Horses certainly live in dream realms and speak to our dreams and aspirations. They have an irrepressible spirit that touches our hearts and souls.

Have a beautiful day!
XOXO Susan
Living Your Dream; Helping you to define and live your dream through horses

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Power of Intention, Horse Wisdom

In a world older and more complete than ours they moved finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth.

~Henry Beston

Enjoy the pairings of my equi-esse art with great inspirational thoughts!
~Yours in the dance; always remember the horses are calling.......

Arabian Beauties

white horses.....ancient wisdom.....white flames that purify and illuminate your dreams.....with the wind gently whispering in your ear.... gently guiding you to your sacred vision.......

come join on us in a journey to discovery and powerful awareness..........

to learn more click here

Love & Light

Monday, November 15, 2010

Your Living Your Dream Workshop Equine Facilitators

Shazi & Amira

white horses.....ancient wisdom.....white flames that purify and illuminate your dreams.....with the wind gently whispering in your ear.... gently guiding you to your sacred vision......

Our dreams are all alive inside of us...we just sometimes don't know how to access them. Shazi and Amira are the essence of all of our dreams. As we learn to identify our passions and live authentically our dreams will unfold and manifest. When we surrender to the process our guides magically appear with grace and ease.

Shazi and Amira are magnificent beings who will allow you to unlock the your magnificence, passion and purpose.

They invite you to come play and set your self free........


Living Your Dream Workshop:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Living YOUR Dream Workshop in Franktown Colorado

December 4th & 5th 2010 Workshop
On Track Horsecare, Franktown Colorado

Would You Love to Find Your Authentic Voice?
Would You Love to Return to Wholeness?
Would You Love to Listen to Your Heart?
Are You Currently Living Your Unique Dream?

There has never been a better time to find passion, purpose, and creativity through horse soul wisdom. You will have the opportunity to indulge yourself in many contemplative and creative activities for two days as you explore and allow yourself the freedom to play. Come join us andhear what your unique soul has to tell you!

Live a life of authenticity by receiving the inherent wisdom and healing medicine of the horse to find your passion and honor your voice. We all come into the world with our own unique DNA and therefore unique soul with its own vision and voice; we just seem to shut it down along the way. Learn to embrace and infuse the gentle guidance, messages and horse wisdom offered to each one of us to find your own special truth.
  • During the Living the Dream workshop each participant will experience, discover and create.
  • Sessions with horses that will connect you to your true inner and creative self.
  • An awakened self-awareness and a personal horse soul tribute to keep and cherish – a special memento to gently reconnect you to your soul while guiding you on your individual journey.
  • New and exciting ways to speak and live through your authentic voice and creative self
  • A mission statement about your soul’s unique journey based on your core values

You will learn about why the horse is such a powerful and metaphorical transformational guide for your journey. Working with equine art, mandalas, guided meditations, journaling, and animal intuition, Cindy and Susan combine their unique equine experience and talents to integrate personal mandalas, the Tibetan windhorse, and the Native American medicine wheel into a powerful personal piece.

Each modality embraces the concept of unity and “Oneness” of all creation; illuminating the path for a balanced and empowered life while helping you to achieve your goals and dreams. Additionally, you will learn to start to put together the pieces to identify and create your own passionate vision and listen to your heart.

To learn more and register visit:

We hope to see you there!
Susan and Cindy

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Aspen Fine Arts Festival - July 17th & 18th

Black Stallion

Summer has been busy with the Denver Fine Art festival and a weekend workshop I co-facilitated called Journey to Spirit Through Horses with Anna Twinney, from Reach Out to Horses and Melisa Pearce, from Touched By A Horse. Lots of "Spirit of the Horse" love here in beautiful Colorado!

This weekend I will be in Aspen for their 8th annual fine art festival with some new work and I hope to see some of you out there!,_CO.).html

PS - this piece is available and the size is 28" x 40"


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Powerbar & Downtown Denver Fine Art Festival; May 28 -31 2010

Well...lots has transpired since my last post and it is my goal to be back in the saddle again! We have traveled to 2 Equine Affaires and also have been to the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo where I curated the 1st annual Equine art exhibit. All equine artists - look out for 2011's prospectus in September! I have made lots of new friends - artists and folk who stop by to enjoy my art. My life has been enriched!

This week I will be exhibiting downtown in Denver for the second year. It is the official start of the fine art show season! Woo hoo!


But now for more exciting things....... I am pleased to introduce some new work of mine that has a new look all its own. I have called it "He arrived as Equus". I am fascinated with indigenous culture's relationship to Horse. Many feel the horse transports human's between worlds and this series certainly feels this way to me.
This aging stallion is so unassuming in his paddock yet his life force came alive in front of the lens as he circled the arena searching for his messages.....the scents left behind by those who preceeded him.

Well, I hope you can stop by and see me and say hello!

Bye for now,