It is one of three entries I submitted to a "Spirit of the Horse" juried competition and art show currently showing at PS Zask Art Gallery in Rancho Palos Verde CA. Please stop by and see it if you are in the area. I mentioned in an earlier blog that they accepted all three entries which absolutely thrilled me! While I was away I received notification that it had won first place. They also used it on their website (www.pszaskgallery.com/CURRENT_SHOW.html) and for the brochure. Woo hoo - I love it when somebody loves the work. For me it is not about selling the work but the spirit of being able to share it!
I also love fund raisers and this is a benefit for the Return to Freedom wild horse sanctuary (www.returntofreedom.org) and the Portuguese Bend Pony Club. As you know am a supporter of RTF so this was a perfect venue to appreciate my work! The Portuguese Bend Pony Club, located in Rancho Palos Verde, is dedicated to educating local youths on horse care management and equine sports.
This piece also was accepted and sold last year in a prestigious "All Things Horses" juried photography show at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins Colorado. There were thousands of entries and only 60 photographs were chosen for the exhibit.
AND....I just received notification that this piece was accepted into the Center for the Arts Evergreen's Western Art Show (all mediums). While I consider myself more of a contemporary artist I decided to enter for giggles. You just never know and voila!
In any event....I never know what I am going to enter and often while my heart may want to enter something that speaks to me more, I often make a decision based on the juror and of course the topic. My decision to return to this piece was purely based on how quickly they needed the piece and my current inventory. Not to mention I do like it but it has already done well and I like to share other work. Lets just say living in the mountains does not lend itself to visiting my printer and then the framer very easily!
I hope this babbling has not seemed too self-serving and the point of it is because I am a supporter of Return to Freedom I would like to offer this fine print to the community and I am fully prepared to donate 25% from the sale to Return to Freedom. Additionally I will include free shipping and a box of 6 of my new note cards which includes this piece and has a value of $20. Is that a deal or what??!!
The details are:
Size: 11.5" x 20"
Price: $350

The print comes museum mounted on archival foam core and can be shipped in one week after receipt of the order. For your convenience I have created a secure PayPal button. I also take all forms of credit cards, please contact me at susan@windhorseone.com if you would like to use your plastic.
As a service this print is also offered flush mounted on sleek aluminum (I love this presentation!) and floats off of the wall. It is also offered with frames used for canvas art so that the print is not covered with glass - this also floats freely off of the wall. Please contact me for more info on this.
Thanks in advance!
windhorseOne Studios
Gorgeous piece and I'm glad it's going to a good cause. Congratulations on getting it so widely accepted! That's fantastic!
Congratulations! That is a beautiful piece.
Thank you so much! They are two dressage horses having a bit of fun. You may not guess that by the spots.
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