Please join me for my Touched By A Horse Certification Graduation!
I am stepping out Beyond The Lens!
What a journey life and the horses have taken me on the last 3 years. It was approximately 3 years ago I became part of the Horse as Teacher Project where I contributed a chapter called "The Horses Are Calling" about my journey as a fine art photographer that led to my mission to help the wild horses. My chapter was the portal to me learning what my passions and mission are, leading me down life's trail to Melisa Pearce, CEO of Touched By A Horse and founder of the only Equine Gestalt Coaching Certification Program in the US.
I moved from colleague and co-creator with Melisa to having the honor of being the creator of the equine artwork for her web site and later home. She became my mentor through her certification program where I took the journey with her and her magical horses; a journey where I learned more about myself and how I show up in the world. I grew, I stretched beyond my comfort zone in more ways than one and now I show up in the world in a more authentic way.
With Melisa's blessing, at her workshops, I have seen how my equine work touches the hearts and souls of people. I further learned how to bring my unique approach to her TBAH program's solid foundation and create programs of my own; creative expression through horses.
I have met many amazing women on a similar path who through my journey, mentoring and apprenticeship with Melisa have led to joint co-creations and workshops to empower and help people identify and rekindle their passions, joy and dreams. With horses!!!!!!!
Cindy Hartzell, from Horses Helping Humans and I teach "Living Your Dream" and "Journey to Joy" workshops. We solidified our friendship at Melisa's Lil Bit North Ranch.
Cindy and I are also excited to start co-creating with Devon Combs, from Beyond The Arena, and also a recent graduate of Melisa's TBAH Cert program. We have all been "touched by a horse"!!!!!!
I am stepping up and stepping out beyond my lens and art in a big way to also help people create and brand their businesses so that their unique voices don't get overlooked or blend in with the pack. Not only do I get to photograph and create art of horses I am now sharing my marketing, web design and creative identity system with people!!!!!
Today I choose not to allow myself to go into overwhelm with all the creative ideas I have but allow myself to know that everything is unfolding with MAGIC, EASE, JOY and PASSION just as it is meant to be.
I would love for you to stop by this Friday!
Big Hugs,
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