"Horses have the capacity to teach us key life lessons. To experience this higher level of connection and communication, humans must accept the horse as a partner and be open and willing to receive their wisdom."
Horse as Teacher website: www.horseasteacher.com
Well as promised here is the cover of the book "Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity". In my last blog on this topic we were anticipating the release of the cover of the book which was designed by equine photographer extraordinaire Tony Stromberg (including one of his beautiful images). While none of the authors had input in the image that was used I think it is perfect and depicts the gentle, luminous, and welcoming eye of the horse that we all love. I didn't coin this but the eye is the window to the soul.
Writing the forward for the book is Mark Mottershead, who founded the Horse Consciousness website (www.horseconsciousness.com). Recently he headed up "The Path Seminar Series" featuring the teachers in Stormy Mae's (one of the co-authors in Horse as Teacher) DVD. Check out his website which features articles and tips from some amazing horse visionaries of our time.
I find that I want to know everything about working with horses as partners that it can become a distraction from doing my artwork. I want to be the best human guardian for my two colts as I can and ensure that they have the best equine/human partnership that exists! What I have come to realize is that by strengthening my relationship with with my horses, the depth of my artwork increases. The voice of the horse connects and communicates through me.
Our book is due to be released in May and has a list price of $19.95. At this time the shipping fee of $5.95 will be waived and all copies will be signed for all orders placed before the book release. Additionally 10% will be donated to horse rescue organizations. If there ever was a time for change it is now and what better way than through the human/horse connection?
Please contact me at susan@windhorseone.com if you are interested in learning more about Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity or to secure your pre-shipping copy.
Yours in the dance,
windhorseOne Studios
1 comment:
Herbalife, Yoga and coaching for natural beauty, inside and outside. Relax, Health, Lose weight, More energy. Feel good, look good.IN FIECARE ZI POSTARI NOI.
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