This is a piece I created for a portrait submission and it is quite a departure from my usual work. I culled through quite a few of my photos for this little gem and with a bit of cropping, this was what I came up with. I have to admit I was quite pleased!
The piece will be judged by world class photographer (and famous) Mary Ellen Mark. She taught a class to the photojournalists at school while I was busy doing the fine art thing in a class room next door. That is not at all to say that PJs are not artists but their photography has more of a traditional look and a documentary flair. PJs are always on the hunt for that great shot and a story that nobody has ever taken before.
Sort of similar to my approach with the horses..... striving to create equine fine art photography that sets me apart from other horse photography colleagues. It is not about being in competition with them but working from my heart and instincts to create work that is unique because it comes from me.
Other things going on in my horsey world (is there any other world??? - well not for me) is that a fellow author from the Horse as Teacher book has asked to use six of my creations to make a promotional video. You may have heard of her - Stormy May. She is the producer of the Path of the Horse DVD. If you love horses and are interested in their welfare then this is a must see. She sold her ranch to travel the world and film several equine visionaries. It is not only beautiful but incredibly moving.
Time to sign off. Tomorrow is a busy day with a photo shoot and a visit to an equine rescue facility. Oops and I forgot.....dropping off a mounted print to a customer in the same neck of the woods.
Bye for Now!
windhorseOne Studios
That's a fantastic shot! I love coming to your blog and looking at your amazing photos :)
Thank You and Thank You Danielle! I really appreciate that!
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