There have been all sorts of amazing synchronicities occurring lately from being a contributing author. I posted a while ago how I was promoting the book to an upscale "cowgirl" boutique when Lisa Dee walked in. Well there are a couple more Lisa Dee stories but I will move on to the next. Last Thurs. I was visiting the CO Horse Rescue to donate a signed copy of the book and lo and behold who was there but Anna Twinney! Anna managed Monty Roberts ranch in CA and is an amazing horsewoman.
To make a long story short, I never had met these women before but the book seemed to bring us together. And to add to this little gem, the office manager asked Anna to sign my signed copy and she looked up at me and informed me that she wrote the exact same thing in her books as I did. SO...she only signed "and Anna" after what I wrote. Then I signed "and Susan" after what she wrote in her donated copy. How cool is that? LOVE IT!

And now for something completely different! All ten authors were contacted by Mark Mottershead from Horseconscious (www.horseconscious.com) to do a tele-seminar series. HorseConscious promotes a way of being with horses where the primary focus is on understanding and honoring the horse. He did a highly successful 4 week series on Stormy May's "Path of the Horse" DVD. There will be four dates and all you have to do is connect to the link at the appropriate time to hear the series live. I am stoked to be able to reach all those people with our messages.
The first date is Sept. 30th and co-founders Kathy Pike, Coaching With Horses, and Marilyn Schwader, Clarity of Vision, will be speaking about the project. My day is Oct. 14th! I am nervous already.... :)
Well, have a wonderful week and may the horses bring much joy into your life!
PS - I am still including a complimentary 5" x 7" note card with each signed copy of the Horse as Teacher! You can order from my blog or website!
windhorseOne Studios
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