I am delighted to announce that I am taking part in a brand new teleseminar series that is coming up at the end of September. And the really good news is that it's absolutely free for you to listen to and attend! All you'll need is a telephone or a computer and internet connection, so let me tell you all about it.
It's called the Horse as Teacher Teleseminar Series and will comprise 4 calls featuring all the authors from the first Horse As Teacher book. The series is being hosted by Mark over at HorseConscious.com, who was responsible for the highly acclaimed Path of the Horse Teleseminar Series earlier in the year.
The theme of the Series is naturally based on the book and also it's subtitle, 'The Path to Authenticity with Horses', because that's what horses can do for you when you embrace what they naturally and beautifully reveal. Although the authors come from a variety of horse backgrounds, we all agree that these magnificent animals have the power to help us peel back the layers to reveal who we truly are. They raise our consciousness, teach us authenticity and give us permission to shine once more.
As well as discussing the impact horses have had in our own lives, we will be telling you how they have inspired us to help others and the amazing results we have witnessed. The calls also give us an opportunity to really put something back by answering your questions.
If you have a question for one of us or have hit one of life's roadblocks or just want to help us spread the word about the power of horses to heal, then I invite you to join us at the end of September for what promises to be a very exciting event.
You can find out more information and submit your question by going to the following page:
Please forward this on to anybody who you feel may benefit!
Yours in the dance,
windhorseOne Studios
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