It has been 4 months now since I posted. Time seems to slip away. We were busy creating a new site for windhorseOne Studios with many new services including creativity coaching with horses and also equine identity and branding services. Horses are our passion and we can't imagine life without them.
To see our awesome new site please visit Our Blog will be built in so we are saying good by to this Blog
We also have a new online shop that features my equine art work as well as equine art of other artists including fabulous jewelry! Check it out at
April 29th at Lil Bit North Ranch 6PM Please join me for my Touched By A Horse Certification Graduation!
I am stepping out Beyond The Lens!
What a journey life and the horses have taken me on the last 3 years. It was approximately 3 years ago I became part of the Horse as Teacher Project where I contributed a chapter called "The Horses Are Calling" about my journey as a fine art photographer that led to my mission to help the wild horses. My chapter was the portal to me learning what my passions and mission are, leading me down life's trail to Melisa Pearce, CEO of Touched By A Horse and founder of the only Equine Gestalt Coaching Certification Program in the US.
I moved from colleague and co-creator with Melisa to having the honor of being the creator of the equine artwork for her web site and later home. She became my mentor through her certification program where I took the journey with her and her magical horses; a journey where I learned more about myself and how I show up in the world. I grew, I stretched beyond my comfort zone in more ways than one and now I show up in the world in a more authentic way.
With Melisa's blessing, at her workshops, I have seen how my equine work touches the hearts and souls of people. I further learned how to bring my unique approach to her TBAH program's solid foundation and create programs of my own; creative expression through horses.
I have met many amazing women on a similar path who through my journey, mentoring and apprenticeship with Melisa have led to joint co-creations and workshops to empower and help people identify and rekindle their passions, joy and dreams. With horses!!!!!!!
Cindy Hartzell, from Horses Helping Humans and I teach "Living Your Dream" and "Journey to Joy" workshops. We solidified our friendship at Melisa's Lil Bit North Ranch. Cindy and I are also excited to start co-creating with Devon Combs, from Beyond The Arena, and also a recent graduate of Melisa's TBAH Cert program. We have all been "touched by a horse"!!!!!!
I am stepping up and stepping out beyond my lens and art in a big way to also help people create and brand their businesses so that their unique voices don't get overlooked or blend in with the pack. Not only do I get to photograph and create art of horses I am now sharing my marketing, web design and creative identity system with people!!!!!
Today I choose not to allow myself to go into overwhelm with all the creative ideas I have but allow myself to know that everything is unfolding with MAGIC, EASE, JOY and PASSION just as it is meant to be.
There is something I love about the nomadic spirit the gypsy lifestyle conjures up for me. Brad and I just returned from an amazing 4-day road trip through Colorado. The open road is often a time of inspiration and new ideas for me. I can come home tired and overwhelmed from all the miles behind a windshield but this time I said "NO" to overwhelm and after I checked all the emails I sat down to work on this new Gypsy Vanner creation.
You see, we choose to create our realities and I often choose overwhelm and lack of focus; a sticky mucky place that feels familiar and yucky. Although I have many administration tasks talking to me and weighing me down like a ball and chain.......I choose to move into the unknown throes of creativity and joy for they never let me down. And that ball and it is made of platinum and diamonds!
We left Denver last Thurs, returning last night after stopping in Pagosa springs, Durango, Ouray, Ridgeway, Grand Juction, Breckenridge and Idaho Springs! Oh my! We never know where we are going to stay or whom we will meet!
We were setting up a new account at Willowcreek Crossing, a fine furnishing store in Ridgeway when a young teen called Lori came in and was smitten with my work as we were unpacking the boxes! She fell in love with and purchased one of my Pegasus pieces, which the shop owners were not purchasing, and we are now Facebook friends. Lots of smiles here, can you see me grinning from ear to ear??!! Road trips can be tiring but it is life's little gems like meeting Lori that are the rewards of my work.
Today I am artist and creator of all things beautiful; and that means in all aspects of my life and not only my fine art creations. I choose to live today like the Magician, living my dream, and not fall into the archetype of the Orphan which can feel so familiar at times.
Inside the heart of a horse is a world full of magic. Inside the human heart is a world full of magic. We have the capability to take the muck in our world and turn it into gold. I know it sounds easier said than done!
I have found that if I am stuck in the muck it is often the time to slow down, turn inward and listen quietly and low and behold the muck turns to gold.
The Raven, like the black stallion, is a great resource to teach us about the great mystery of our life. Have you ever noticed the iridescence sheen on black? If I look real closely at the fine black hairs of my horse's coat I can see the dance of iridescence in the light.
Iridescence is generally known as the property of certain surfaces which appear to change color as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes. Iridescence is commonly seen in things such as soap bubbles and butterfly wings.
On black, iridescence has a magical quality and according to the animal medicine cards, Raven carries the medicine of magic! the color black is a meataphor for seeking answers and not a black hole of dark negativity. Quite the contrary! Black holds all the energy, answers and color of our creative source.
Today - honor the magic that lives within you! I had a lot of fun creating this piece and it contains many layers and dimensions. Enjoy!
In All His Glory - The Quintessential Black Stallion
8 x 10 matted print, 11 x 14 frame, signed.......$95 Only 3 Available! Free Shipping + Free Note card
It is the dawn of time.........Darkness is ending, and the sun is about to rise as we hear the unmistakable vibrations of creation.....the four winds gently blow off the mountain and across the meadow...... ~Horses of the Wind~
I have always loved both black horses and white horses since childhood. Who hasn't read Black Beauty or Farley's "The Black Stallion"? Black stallions resided in the imaginations and dreams of many little girls for sure.
According to Native American lore, the black horse carries its rider through the Great Mystery of life and into the "Void".....a journey inside to Self. The black stallion is from this inner void where the answers reside.
When you seek an answer to something that seems to evade you, close your eyes and ride on the back of the black stallion. Know and feel that you will have access to the wisdom within..... you hold the golden keys that unlock the door to your answers. The black stallion is your talisman; initiating the journey into the mystery within.
If you would like to have a black stallion talisman for your self to support and carry you on the winds of your destiny please email me at and I will send you a PayPal link or we accept credit cards.
Or of course look at this piece, feel into it and embody this black stallion's energy!
I have really been influenced lately by a few mixed media artists and it is my plan to start adding paint to some of my more recent wildlife and floral art. I have also been feeling the desire to branch out from my equine work and see what creative expression evolves and where it takes me.
Not to mention the horses have been to fuzzy!
This beautiful bird lives downtown close to Denver in the Belmar area. It is amazing how wildlife have adapted to communities being built around them. If you look closely you will see the ripples on the pond.
Show season is coming up and I have been experimenting with wildlife and now I am transitioning to florals. Flowers often have such a short presence...they bloom and smile at us for short periods and then wither and die. They teach us about impermanence and to live in the moment.
Foxes are very clever and blend well into their surroundings. They come out at dusk as the light is changing from lightness to darkness. The fox is highly attuned to his world and has a knack for preparing in advance. Although the fox's ears are small they are highly dialed in.
When our inside worlds don't match our outside worlds it is time to quiet ourselves and listen to and trust our intuition so we can anticipate and create our future!
This beautiful little soul would come to visit every night a couple of summers ago. We didn't feed him, he was following his daily trail of least resistance along our driveway. We live at the top of a box canyon surrounded by other folks property so we are blessed to have our own sanctuary where bear, deer, fox, and sometimes elk and eagle pass to say hello.
If fox has entered you path then it may be time to experience life with joy and purpose. it may be time to dig deeply, hop on your windhorse to journey and discover what excites you! Enliven your senses and LIVE .... Be your "foxy" self and step out of your camouflage and into the playground of imagination and dreams!
For the next 4 days I get to spend time at the Denver Gift, Home, Jewelry & Resort Show as both an exhibitor and a buyer. While I love to meet new people and have my notecards (AKA little messengers) go to new accounts I think it is more fun to go out on a hunt for all things equine!
We saw some of our favorite accounts today; Robert from Buckskin Books in Ourey. Ourey Colorado is one of my favorite places to visit. And Wendy from Silver Horse in Golden stopped by.
I will be at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo from March 11th - 13th with lots of fun new "Spirit of Equus" merchandise created by other artisans. I was working with a web designer to launch a new store but he went AWOL on me........ those creatives.... ;)
All the artists for the art exhibit at the Expo have been chosen and friends and colleagues Melisa Pearce and Anna Twinney will be at the expo this year along with The Holistic Horse Care Coop!!! Should be a super good time!
Melisa Anna and I will be hosting a 2 hour round table discussion on our new 3 CD book "Call of the Horse".
As a child I was primarily drawn to horses however wolves were significant for me also. A year ago somebody felt I should not just focus on horses and had I ever considered other wildlife??? I couldn't think of ever creating anything other than horses but a year has passed and I have had time to think about my position..... all animals have so much to share with us.
Wolf is also a guide and like Elk, slow and steady is part of the message he delivers. Slow and steady and you will get the prize! What is your prize? To know your truth? To live authentically? Perhaps to live like wolf.
Wolf will travel great distances in search of Truth and Knowledge and return to the Pack to teach and share their Medicine.
Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. A true family member yet embodies a strong sense of uniqueness and individuality.
Wolf aligns with the moon, its power ally. Moon represents the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom.
The wolf empowers the teacher within us all to flourish and come to the aid of all beings on Earth and help shed light in understanding "The Great Mystery" and Creation....... Life
"A human being is part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole [of] nature in its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein 1950
We can learn a lot from Einstein, widening our compassion......learning to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
I am have decided to start creating wildlife art from some of my photographs and create animal totems, weaving them into my journey of creative expression with horses.
Elk represents stamina and the ability to pace oneself. Sometimes we feel so unbalanced and feel like we will never meet our goals. Elk shows up when you are about to hit your stride in life; don't give up, have endurance for the long run >>>> DETERMINATION!!
If we balance our pragmatic "to do" lists with our passions, our life will fall into place easily and effortlessly! When we do too much we tire, become frustrated and disappointed - all negative energies. When we dream and fly around in creation we often can't get anything done for life is a high. So BALANCE the two and see what happens!
I feel we are entering a new age of the heart and we are slowly allowing our minds to move aside and not lead us any more. Horses are moving into the role of helping us find our hearts while opening them and allowing us to hear the whispers that are the very essence of our dreams. live the life that is our birthright we must seek not to "change the mind" but rather to "open the heart to Pure Love." ~ Nigel Taylor
Today is Valentine's day so lets open our hearts, feel the connection and experience all the love we have to offer and share with all the beings we share this beautiful planet with.
Call 303-346-7493 to register in advance; limited to 50 dogs.
Photo Sessions Bake Sale & Lunch Agility Course Petting Zoo Washing Station much more!
From Zuma's site:
In today's fast paced world the voiceless members of society, children and animals are falling through the cracks and finding themselves neglected and or abandon in some way or another.
At risk youth are landing themselves in prison after leaving their group homes, foster care homes or family homes. We as a society have become so busy we are leaving the children to raise themselves. We want a quick diagnosis for behavior issues and medication to sedate the child rather that taking the time to parent and nurture.
Horses are helpless to mans reckless breeding practices and brought into this world with no plan for a future, many of these horses are neglected from the day they hit the planet. Pregnant mares are left with no care during the pregnancy and the foals are often sent to slaughter in utero as breeders decide they have more horses than they care to feed and nurture.
For these children and horses bouncing from home/herd to home/herd is normal place, these children and horses never learn to bond with other beings. Consistency is so important in any young impressionable children or horses.
At Zuma's we pair these wayward souls in a nurturing healing manner and together they learn to trust and love one another. Once trust of the horse/ child pair is accomplished we can move into learning to love and nurture themselves and others.
Only with trust and love developed can we begin teaching the basic life skills necessary to succeed in today's world.
Prospectus ~ Rocky Mountain Horse Expo 2nd Annual Art Show
2011 “Equine Art in the Park” Art Exhibit celebrating the equine spirit through art
Denver Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
March 11th -13th 2011
National Western Complex, Denver CO
Equine Art in the Park is a fine art exhibit celebrating the spirit of the horse. The art show will feature contemporary work including paintings, drawings, photography, pottery, pastel, sculpture, digital, and mixed media.
The Rocky Mountain Horse Expo was developed by the Colorado Horse Council, Inc into one of the largest equine events of its kind west of Ohio and we are pleased to announce our 2nd equine art show “Equine Art in the Park”.
The Colorado Horse Council, Inc. is a grass-roots, all-breed, non-discipline specific organization dedicated to linking the horse owners and the horse industry of the State of Colorado into a powerful, common voice in order to protect their common equine interests through legislation and education.
Artwork sales: Artwork must be for sale during the exhibit with a 35% commission to the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo and 65% commission to the artist. The exhibit area will be manned by RMHE staff to facilitate sales of artwork.
Entry Fee: $25 for up to 3 images submitted on a CD
please contact for a prospectus
It's not the things we get but the hearts we touch that will determine our success in life. ~Mac Anderson
I don't think there is anything as sacred as young babies; human and animal alike. This is my first piece of the new year and it makes me think about new beginnings.
A lot of people I have talked to are very excited about the new year. There is a feeling that people have that amazing things are going to happen. I felt this too as the new year changed..... for some unknown reason I feel it is going to be a special year for all who embrace it as a new beginning.
Like this foal there can also be new growth with a new beginning. New growth can often be painful but often leads to new discoveries.
When we journey with horses we are led to new connections within ourselves and also with others.
It is time for the exciting 22 day National Western Stock Show in Denver! I am pleased to announce that windhorseOne Studios' line of notecards and small prints can be found in three locations.
Rustic Ranch Relics will have two booths. One in the performance coliseum and also the main exhibit hall.
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo Poster ~ Available at the NWSS
Stop by and pick up last years poster for the Rock Mountain Horse Expo....maybe I will be there signing them. They are 18 x 24 inches and printed on a beautiful felt paper. The Colorado Horse Council is located in the education hall and sales of the poster benefit the council.
It has been a lot of fun seeing this poster pop up on otherColorado horsey folks web sites and even their newsletters because they will be exhibiting. It always gives me a little jolt of recognition and then puts a smile on my face. :)
I am also coordinating the 2nd annual RMHE contemporary art exhibit. email me at for a prospectus.....did I spell that right?!!
Take a journey with five of today's top equine professional women as they share their personal journeys and the life-changing experiences they have had with the horses.
3 CD Audio Book $19.95 Shipping this Jan 2011! Order pre-shipping and receive Free US shipping AND Free 5x7 Notecard, suitable for framing, of Excalibur - Spanish Mustang and Reach Out to Horses ambassador and our coverboy!
BONUS Interviews:Coupled with these personal accounts are fascinating interviews with the authors, conducted by Equesse CEO and Publisher, Leah Juarez. Leah is renowned for her commitment to enriching women’s lives through sharing their passion for horses. AND our music is by Templeton Thompson....."A Horse That Can Fly". Yeee haaaw, as Tempe would say!
About The Call of the Horse CD
Horses have been at our side for thousands of years. Since the dawn of civilization they have literally carried us on their backs into a brighter future. But only recently have we begun to understand the gifts, the true partnership we have with these majestic beings, and their role as teachers in our lives.
Our equine companions effortlessly lead us down the path toward our own Souls, showing us the way to fulfilling and heart-led lives. They act as our mirrors, reflecting back to us the courage to carry on in our darkest hour, the authenticity to speak our truth, and our own true nature, to live in the moment, joyously celebrating the miracles that surround us every day.
The Spirit of the horse continues to answer the call of every heart that cries out for freedom, connection and love. Let these stories from Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity with Horses, read by the authors, carry you back to your own True Voice, your own Spirit. Explore the depth, the meaning and the profound lessons our horses have waiting for us, if we are only willing to listen.
The Horses are Calling - written and read by Susan Williams (me! ;0). An artist's inspirational memoir of transformation and commitment as her soul journeyed life's rocky trail while finding its true meaning and artistic expression through the calling of the horse.
Another Chance - written and read by Anna Twinney. The gift of a second chance and the joy that can be found even in the darkest of moments.
Whispers from a Horse's Heart- written and read by Melisa Pearce. Four key life lessons the horses have taught me.
Teaching the Wisdom of the Horse Ancestors - written and read by Wendy Golding. From the horse's perspective, THOR explores this magical journey of horse/human connection opening to a higher consciousness for both.
Crossing the Silly Bridge - written and read by Lisa Arie (Dee). The story of crossing the bridge into the unknown and what happened when Lisa dared to take the journey.
Happy New Year and all my best to you for a prosperous and healthy 2011! This beautiful white Arabian, Shazi, from my ancient wisdom series is blazing full speed ahead embracing his bright future. He represents "Illumination of Awareness".
I returned to visit my family back east and was delayed from returning home due to poor weather and flight delays. It provided me with an opportunity to reflect and have gratitude for 2010 and all the amazing people I have met and where I am planning on taking my journey of creation with horses.
There is a creative life force within each and every one of us and the more we can access our inner selves and face and know this self, the more we can gain access to this authentic creative self...... illumination of awareness......
Horses connect me to nature and unity and have been my not so gentle at times guide on my journey! It has been a mysterious and fascinating pilgrimage of sorts and has lead me to develop "The Art of Unity; A Journey of Creation With Horses". I learned last year how to combine equine facilitated learning with expressive arts and creative play through horses. When I realized how therapeutic my art creations were for people I wanted a way to share how they could learn creative expression through horses.
I am really excited about this work and will be sharing more with you soon! I am also having a new web site developed so stay tuned!
Call of The Horse; To Order your copy today click on the link below!
Free equine note card with each order!
This 3 CD audio book makes a great gift for a horse lover in your life! The retail price is $19.95. Place your order now to receive your copy and your beautiful free 5" x 7" note card of Excalibu ($5.00 value)!!
Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity Through Horses. To reserve your copy click on the PayPal link below
Free equine note card included with each order!
I am pleased to announce my book Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity Through Horses! I am a co-author along with nine other equine visionaries in a collection of poignant stories and photographs on how the horse has led us to lead an authentic life. My chapter is named "The Horses are Calling..."
Included authors are Stormy May (The Path of the Horse DVD), Kathy Pike (author and equine facilitated learning coach), Melisa Pearce (Touched By A Horse) and others! I have read the whole book and I am just amazed at the quality of the stories, the writing, and our kinship with horses.
Click on the image above or this link to go to my website ( to learn more!
This book makes a great gift for a horse lover in your life! The retail price is $19.95. Place your order now to receive your signed copy and your beautiful free 5" x 7" note card of one of my prints ($5.00 value)!!
You may now purchase a boxed set of 6 beautiful high-quality 5" x 7" blank artcards of three of my popular prints for only $18.00! These cards are only $3 each and currently sell in stores for $4 to $6 each so the savings is substantial.
They come packaged in a clear box with a silver metallic ribbon.
Not only are these great for any event when you need a special card but they are suitable for framing!
"In the steady gaze of the horse shines a silent eloquence that speaks of love and loyalty, strength and courage. It is the window that reveals to us how willing is her spirit, how generous her heart" ~Author Unknown
Whispers from a Horse's Heart Inspirational Cards
Touched by a Horse: To order a set of these amazing cards click on the link below
Whispers from a Horse's Heart
You will be delighted reading the in-depth, prophetic messages of the horses from a beautiful herd. What is so different about these card decks, other than their beautiful artwork? The inspiration and guidance that is offered on the cards will encourage you to reflect upon your dreams, desires, and challenges. I just love them!
Every day, just pick one of the 52 cards that appeals to you in that moment and read its message.You will be amazed with just how appropriate the message is to what you are feeling or dealing with. They often provide you with comfort as well as reaffirm your actions and decisions.
Beautifully boxed, these cards are $29.95 and make a great gift!
To order your set click on the secure PayPal link below:
This is the BLOG spot of windhorseOne Studios and Susan Williams, a Denver area equine fine art photographer whose unique and distinctive imagery portrays the magical and powerful essence of the horse.
I am a photographer who primarily photographs horses and also dogs. I live in the mountains of Morrison Colorado. My mantra is "Portraying the powerful and magical essence of the horse."
My pencils and paintbrushes were given up for a camera many years ago however my photography is rendered in a very painterly style. I believe this yields the best of both worlds; a photograph and a painting at the same time. It also satisfies my need to add a personalized touch to the work
After The Gathering
After The Gathering: Number XXXX
After the Gathering is a series I have been working on about the wild mustangs after they have been rounded up and removed from the freedom of their home range by the BLM.
To see more from this series please visit my website: Or to learn more about America's wild horses and the danger they currently face visit some of my links listed below.
To become involved in the preservation and welfare of America's wild horses please visit some of the links below.
The horses are calling and need your help.
Save The Wild Horses
Become involved! Click to email Secretary of the Interior & the BLM
windhorseOne Etsy Shop
Please visit my Etsy shop where you can easily purchase some of my beautiful prints. Just clink on the link above to be redirected to Etsy, which is set up to accept secure PayPal payments!