You remember Scooter from yesterday's post......Zephyr wouldn't pass the stick or play nicely with him. Its tough when you are not one of the popular kids on the block, or paddock any way.
Today I went down to Denver to the Horse Expo and ran into a fellow horse photographer Carol Walker. She has done an amazing job photographing the American mustang in their native habitat and has a great book of her work called "Wild Hoofbeats America's Vanishing Wild Horses". Check it out at:www.wildhoofbeats.com. She and I both donate part of the proceeds from the sale of our work to The Cloud Foundation. To learn more about this admirable cause go to: www.thecloudfoundation.org/home.html. The Cloud foundation is dedicated to the preservation of wild horses on our public lands and the protection of Cloud's herd in the Arrowhead Mountains of Montana.
I am leaving for a road trip to Arizona tomorrow and won't be back for nine days. I don't take my computer but I will be taking my friend the camera and hope to have lots of new photos to work on and share with you when I get back!
Have a super weekend and I'll be blogging later!
windhorseOne Studios
Hi Susan, just came accross your website and then your blog, just thought I would leave a comment to say thank you for the beautiful pictures of horses. It is an absolute delight to look at and I will certainly come back again. I love horses and want to take pics of them but at this stage I am looking for inspiration, your work is just what I needed! See you again soon.
Caroline from http://learningtospeakhorse.blogspot.com/
Hi Caroline! You are welcome and thank you for your kind words. Just go find some horses and spend time with them and the inspiration will follow quickly!
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